What is the best way to preserve food?
The very best way to preserve food is freeze drying. Freeze drying is able to keep all of the nutrients since it removes the water from food at freezing temperatures, instead of using heat. Plus, freeze drying is easy and allows you to preserve all your favorite foods – fruits, vegetables, leftovers, soups, casseroles, you name it. And all of it will last years longer than either dehydrated or canned food.
If you’re looking for the very best way to preserve food for you and your family, you’re going to love the Harvest Right freeze dryer. Learn more at https://harvestright.com/
There are so many reasons to freeze dry at home with a Harvest Right freeze dryer. Preserve your garden produce, create the perfect emergency food supply, make camping meals and healthy snacks. Unlike other methods of food preservation, freeze drying does not shrink or toughen the food, and retains flavor, color, and nutrition.
Refrigerated, frozen, and canned food just don’t last very long. Freeze dried food will last up to 25 years and does not need to be to be rotated like other foods. Freeze dried food is perfect for home storage.
Freeze drying maintains 97% of the nutritional value of the food. Other methods of preservation, such as canning and dehydrating, use high temperatures that destroy much of the food value.
Freeze drying works great for fruits and vegetables, but unlike other options, it also perfectly preserves meat, fish, dairy, eggs, ice cream, and even fully-cooked meals.
If you can press a button, you can freeze dry! Simply press start on the touch screen, and the patented Smart Freeze technology senses when it’s done. Everything is automatic.
Not only will the food you freeze dry at home look and taste better than store-bought freeze-dried food, it’s much less expensive! Freeze dry all of your leftover meals, and you’ll save even more money.
There’s a fairly common misconception that the terms “dehydrated food” and “freeze-dried food” are the same, but clearly are not. Knowing the difference helps when deciding how to store and preserve food for your family.
Freeze drying is a relatively modern process. Freeze-dried foods offer a longer shelf life, lower moisture content, and generally taste better than dehydrated or canned foods. Freeze-dried foods rehydrate faster and also retain their original shape, texture, and color. A far greater variety of foods can be freeze dried than can be dehydrated or canned. Imagine trying to use a home dehydrator to preserve an ice cream sandwich, a raw egg, or cheese. It would fail miserably. Not so with freeze dried.
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